My work is discreet and highly confidential, so it is lovely when I can share feedback from the family lawyers who refer their clients to me to help demonstrate the transformative effects of my work. Here are just some of the comments I have had about my work.

Family lawyer testimonials

“The clients whom I have referred to you continue to be extremely grateful for the support that you provide. I have just referred a colleague to you as well. I am sure they would benefit from the clarity of thought in which you specialise.”

Philip Way, Mills and Reeve, Leeds

“At Mills and Reeve we have sent a significant number of clients to Danielle and they have derived great benefit from her skills. I have recently sent her a client who described the hour that he spent with her as the most insightful of his life.”

Philip Way, Mills and Reeve, Leeds

“When I think of the clients I have referred for divorce coaching, the overwhelming theme is that they just cannot make sense of what has happened to them, and is still happening, whether they have instigated a separation or had one imposed on them. They often have no point of reference to know that they will get through that period of their lives in time and therefore feel that an unhealthy past is better than an uncertain future. You push their perceptions of the relationship so that they see it for what it really was. By doing so they learn that the relationship wasn’t healthy, they learn to find their own voice again, often learn to like themselves again and realise that being single again isn’t actually the end of their world.”

Lyn Ayrton, Lake Legal

“I have referred clients to Danielle for many years, whether they have instigated a separation or had one imposed on them. They often have no point of reference to know that they will get through that period of their lives in time and therefore feel that an unhealthy past is better than an uncertain future. They need coping mechanisms for the short, medium and long term. They need to be able to make clear decisions even in situations that they would prefer not to be in. Danielle not only provides the crucial support they need to make those decisions but also often pushes their perceptions of the relationship so that they see it in new light. By doing so they learn to find their own voice again.”

Lyn Ayrton, Lake Legal

“Many people I work with are taking the first steps to leaving a difficult relationship. They are often scared to do so because they been repeatedly made to feel like they are worthless and told they will get nothing if they try to leave. I can help with the legal process and obtaining the best outcome for them. I can also provide some support and reassurance but I am not trained to provide the emotional support they need and nor is it cost effective for them to use me for that purpose. Having Danielle to help them see a way through and rebuild their confidence empowers them by: - learning strategies to stop them falling apart when anything negative comes from their former partner, being able to process information calmly so that they do not have knee-jerk reactions nor provide frequently changing instructions which will increase their legal fees, building confidence to hold out for what they need and are entitled to, and managing child arrangements so that they can avoid the triggers which would otherwise lead to conflict.”

Carol Jessop, Partner and Solicitor, Harrogate Family Law

“I am not trained to provide the emotional support they need and nor is it cost effective for them to use me for that purpose. You provide ‘a metaphoric protective shield’; you help them to process information calmly so that clients don’t have kneejerk reactions nor provide me with haphazard instructions which regularly change; you give clients the confidence to hold out for what they need and are entitled to.”

Carol Jessop, Partner and Solicitor, Harrogate Family Law

“I refer clients to Danielle to help them understand and deal with the emotional side of a separation. Helping them to find the strength and clarity they need to make decisions that will often impact them in the long term, at a time when they probably feel ill equipped to do so. Danielle is truly excellent at this. Like most family solicitors, I want to help my clients and hugely empathise with what they are going through. However, my role is to give legal advice and guide clients through the legal process. Having Danielle on board to help clients enables them to better focus on the practicalities, give clearer instructions and make better decisions. It’s a team-based approach, all intended to help a client though what is a really difficult process.”

Rachel Roberts, Regional Director, Stowe Family Law LLP

“I have known and worked with Danielle now for a number of years. Having historically been slightly unsure and unclear as to the role of a divorce coach or the value that they could add, Danielle’s warm personality and her obvious people skills persuaded me to give it a go and refer a client to her. I recall very clearly the first lady that I referred to Danielle. I had been representing her for quite some time. Despite the passage of time since her separation she was still struggling significantly with her emotions and she cried throughout every meeting or telephone conversation that we had. This was impacting upon my ability to advise her and her ability to hear advice and make decisions based on anything other than hurt and pain.

Unfortunately, the client was still in regularly daily contact with her estranged husband due to the nature of their work. This had made it almost impossible for the client to move on emotionally. I recommended that she meet with Danielle. The impact was instant. After she had met with Danielle on only one occasion she no longer cried in our appointments and she was able to focus on finding a way forward. She was able to listen to advice and make informed decisions based on fact and practical considerations rather than purely based upon emotion. I began giving Danielle’s name to every new client that I met. Not surprisingly many clients were resistant to seeking help from a coach either due to financial commitments and constraints or because they genuinely believed that they did not need help or support etc. Without exception every client that has taken up the suggestion and made contact with Danielle has felt the benefit of working with her and has given very positive feedback.

More recently I have felt is very helpful to recommend to clients that they speak with Danielle if they are at a crossroads. Many clients instruct me when they have yet to decide finally if their marriage is at an end and they are struggling to make a final decision. Danielle has helped clients clarify their thoughts and decide on the best way forward. This is invaluable. It is a skill set that falls well outside of my own and those of other family lawyers and I realise now that looking back at the many years I had in practice prior to referring to a Divorce Coach, there was a significant gap in the service that I was offering to my clients. Danielle fills that gap. I will continue refer clients to Danielle with the confidence that she will able to assist clients in advance of making a final decision to separate, throughout the process of their separation and divorce and equip them with the tools they need to move forward with their new lives.”

Michaela Evans, Family Lawyer and Partner, Collaborative Practitioner, Taylor and Emmet LLP

“I just wanted to thank you for all of your assistance you offer to all of my clients. When I refer them to you, I know they are in safe hands.”

Marc Saunderson, Mills and Reeve, Birmingham

“I will never do a collaborative case again without you.”

Sarah Smith, Family Law Solicitor and Mediator, Berwins

If you or someone you know is struggling to cope with the breakup of a long-term relationship or marriage, I can help. Contact me to talk about how.